July 27, 2024

Dr. Paul Usmany., S.E., M.Si, Ak, CA.

  • Nama : Dr. Paul Usmany, SE., M.Si, Ak, CA.
  • T.T.L : Ternate, 07 Mei 1968
  • NIP : 196805071998031001
  • NIDN    : 0007056805

  • Pangkat/ Golongan : III/d
  • Bidang Ilmu : Akuntansi Keuangan
  • Jab. Fung : Lektor
  • Status : Dosen Tetap
  • Riwayat Pendidikan : 
  1. S1  :  Universitas Gadjah Mada
  2. S2  :  Universitas Gadjah Mada
  3. S3  :  Universitas Diponegoro


  1. Job Satisfaction Mediates the Effect of Work Environment and Competence on Performance
  2. Pengaruh interaksi pengalaman spesifik dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap kinerja auditor negara
  3. The Determinant of Value of Firm through Structure of Capital of Manufacturing Firms Listed in IDX
  4. Analysis of village apparatus competencies, society participations, the village government organizational commitment, and village financial reporting compliance effects